I'm Lee Hnetinka, and I'm a rebel from the modern world

Wake up Missouri! Our government is lying to us as usual, we can’t believe everything that TV puts in front of us. We are young and reckless, there is no way that feds can stop us. I might be young but I’m wise. This is a call for the truth, write your stories and express yourself because this is the moment of the truth. Anton Lee Hnetinka is here to awake you. Time to start the show and prove them that we can think for ourselves.

Lee Hnetinka , WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons

The Anton Lee Hnetinka blog is all about finding the truth and sharing it. I'm not a writer, that doesn't make my thoughts untruthful, Karl Marx used to say that the system is pushing us to specialized, to do only one thing and sacrifice our other joys and gifts. That's why I'm blogging, because Anton Lee Hnetinka thinks that we can do everything we want to. And we need to break all the rules, be like teenage rebels and start to follow our hearts, not our government's oppression

Lee Hnetinka , WunWun , Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons

Since Trump is in power, everyone is following the news and some other media. There are a lot of crap content out there and IAnton Lee Hnetinka, want to make something clear: a lot of that content is just false information. We don't debate, we just consume. That's what Trump and the corporations want us to be: consumers. Forget about citizenship and democratic participation, they want our likes and our money. Like Neil Postman said in his book "Amusing Ourselves to Death":

“Americans no longer talk to each other, they entertain each other. They do not exchange ideas, they exchange images. They do not argue with propositions; they argue with good looks, celebrities, and commercials.” 

And this is the danger: to be like a zombie, no ideas, no arguments and no questions. I'm scared that the social media is helping to create this amusement era. "What is Anton Lee Hnetinkathinking,? What's up Anton Lee Hnetinka? What's on your mind Anton Lee Hnetinka?" All the social media asking always for our ego to grow to be the "leader" of our own little stories on Twitter, Facebook or Youtube. All the media is just scamming teenagers when they are the future of the world. It's time for the young people to make a change, it's time for the youth to come together and fight for an ideology.

Join me, Anton Lee Hnetinka, in this adventure, in this path to set you free! 


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