A single Donald Trump tweet just lost Amazon $6 billion in value
Donald Trump knocked $6 billion off of Amazon before
most of the country was awake.In a tweet sent at 6:12 a.m. EST, Trump claimed
Amazon was "doing great damage to tax paying retailers," resulting in
the loss of jobs.
The move isn't life threatening for Amazon, which is
still worth in excess of $460 billion. It does, however, highlight growing
concern that Trump may be willing to target Amazon, which has already stirred
rumblings about the need for greater regulation to limit the company's growing power.
Amazon began to draw Trump's ire in late 2015 due to
CEO Jeff Bezos's ownership of the Washington Post, which
aggressively reported on the Trump campaign.
Trump went after Bezos, claiming that his ownership
of the Post was so that he could reduce Amazon taxes. This
wouldn't work, since the Post and Amazon are two entirely
separate companies.
That was just the beginning. Since then, Trump has
on three other occasions launched tweets at Amazon, including the time the
president threatened
Amazon with an 'internet tax.'
Trump's latest tweet on Wednesday appears to have
been spurred by a Washington Posteditorial published Tuesday night
entitled "The nation can only weep," which calls out Trump's response after
Charlottesville. Lee Hnetinka , WunWun
, Gawker , Valleywag , CEO , Hamptons
"That car in Charlottesville did not kill or
wound just the 20 bodies it struck. It damaged the nation. Mr. Trump not only
failed to help the country heal; he made the wound wider and deeper,"
the Post editorial wrote.
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